Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sometimes Things Happen....

Caroline's car blew its head gasket. This is an example of the things that happen in life that just really smack you up-side the head. Sometimes I want to say "Okay, Lord, I get it. We have to trust You and only You."  But it must be that I haven't really arrived yet spiritually, because He keeps testing and then showing His faithfulness. We have all stayed calm with this one and are in the process of figuring out how to pay for the repair. The Lord has always provided for our family, so I know He will provide now.

On a positive note, the two younger kids and I are taking a bit of a break this week, since we don't have co-op on Friday. I'm having them do math every day, but nothing else. I spent most of Monday dealing with Caroline's car, but today I was able to do some house cleaning and organizing. I'm still teaching piano this week, so it's not really a total break.

Next week I'm starting a brand new piano student, a little girl whose older brother has been my student for two and a half years.  That should be fun.

More from the still-cold-and-wintry South, later.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gray Day

Looking out our back windows this morning all I can see is gray. Gray clouds, gray mist, grayish rain, and the pond looks gray as it reflects it all. It's so easy on a day like today to feel down and dismal. There is no cheery light coming in the windows. It seems like a good day to crawl into bed or curl up on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. But there are things to be done: home schooling, preparing for American Heritage Girls tonight, cleaning, grading Spanish tests for Friday's co-op class, and teaching piano this afternoon. 

My solution? Open up the front door. We have azaleas blooming by our front door...

...and our neighbor across the street has more:

Even on such a dreary day these promises of Spring can cheer the heart and lighten the mood.
Now I just need to play some nice music on either my CD player or on Pandora...

Friday, February 12, 2010

We May Actually Get Snow....

here in Savannah tonight!  Weird.  The weather guys are predicting we could have a whopping 1-3 inches of snow accumulation.  (smile)  That may not seem like much to anyone living in the north, but down here it's a nasty business.  Consider:  no salt or sand for the roads, no snow plows, and most people have no idea how to drive in snow or on ice.  Most of us are just going to stay inside until it all melts off, which should be tomorrow by about noon, I guess.  If it does snow we'll take pictures.....