Actually, we went on a 3 1/2 week trip during which we had limited internet access, and then came home to messed up internet access. Any internet time usually went to my husband, who has to post on TBNN. Well, he doesn't HAVE to...
Our trip was awesome. I saw all of my siblings all together in one place, which hasn't happened since July 5th, 1991, when Eric and I got married. I saw my wonderful parents re-affirm their vows after 50 years of marriage. We spent two weeks at my parents' house, some of that time with my brother Peter and his family, and then we spent a week at Seneca Lake, my favorite place on this earth. On the way home we stopped at Gettysburg and learned more about the battlefield and the battle itself.
Back at home, things with us have sort-of normalized in that we no longer spend half our time in the hospital. Bobby's central line was removed before we went on our trip, which made things much easier. I didn't have to take boxes of syringes filled with saline and heparin, tons of alcohol prep pads, and dressing change kits in order to care for his line. We just didn't have to worry about it at all! But things are not normal in that we still don't really know what we're doing, future-wise. I find this very unsettling and strange. My whole life I've always had a plan. I've always known what was coming next. Now, I'm just waiting...It's not a terrible place to be, just weird.
I'm currently reading The Roots of Endurance by John Piper, a set of biographical sketches of Charles Simeon, John Newton, and William Wilberforce. It's good so far--I'll write about it when I'm done.
I'm going to try to keep blogging regularly now that we have our internet up and running again, thanks to Devin Bell, the pastor at Rothwell Baptist Church. THANKS, DEVIN!!!
More soon....
Hey there, good to see you back! I am glad to hear ya'll had a great trip. I am so excited for Bobby to be getting his Make A Wish trip (well all of you, too). That will be so much fun. We are back into school full speed too. It is nice to be back to some sort of routine. I see you went with Bob Jones curric. We need to get together sometime soon again. Love ya.
Hey there. Hope your schooling is going well. We are actually using a mix of curriculum. I'm going to post about that later today.
Talk to you soon!
It's good to "hear" your thoughts again, Alice. Hope to hear your voice soon. Have a great trip to CA!
Alan: Thanks, brother! We are looking forward to seeing all of you in about a month.
You are welcome, however, make sure you thank Harry! He spent the time on the phone with tech support. Wherever they were? Andra-Pradesh maybe?
Glad to see you "thinking" again. Can you hold those thoughts in LEGO LAND?
Devin:Lego-Land may be too much for my brain! But we'll be able to blog from our hotel...
Ciao babe, what's up?
Did you know that Raleigh is getting quite the Indian population? I read about it in the paper a few weeks/months ago. I'm praying for you.
Renata: hey--lots of cities up and down the East coast now have many South Asians. Interesting...and now I have a basic grasp of Hindi!
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