Sunday, April 15, 2007

Piper books in progress...

One reason I haven't blogged in a while is that I am currently reading "Desiring God" by John Piper, and it takes up a lot of my free time. When I'm done with that one, I'll be reading a book that he edited along with Justin Taylor about the sovereignty of God and suffering. That one includes essays from many different authors. When I'm done reading those I will post about them.


Anonymous said...

Desiring God is, by far, the greatest book I have ever read. I got mine signed at DG2006 National Conference at which time I told Dr. Piper that his book changed my life and and has shaped my ministry more than anything outside the Bible. John Piper is to me what Jonathan Edwards is to him.

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God is actually taken from one of the DG National conferences. You should go to the DG website and look up the messages there. I find it helpful to listen to them before I read them or visa versa. In other words, using two forms of media to get it into my head. Good stuff. Probably of specific interest to you right now is an appendix in that book -- it's a paper Dr. Piper wrote last year when he was going through prostate cancer called "Don't Waste Your Cancer." It's a great article.

Anyway -- when anyone mentions Piper I get excited... sorry!!

Eric said...

I am both proud and happy that I have a wife who reads Piper. Thank you for wanting to be God-centered.

I think he may have a new book coming out soon entitled, "The Purpose Driven Wife," but you don't need to read that one.

chandra said...

Hey Alice, when you get a chance, let me know the title of the book you are going to read...the one with the essays from different people. I thought I might like to read it as well. Love ya.

Alice C. said...

Nick: The more Piper I read, the more I get excited when I see another book by him. Thanks for the suggestion about listening, too.

Eric: LOL--wives already know their purpose, so the book would be useless...

Chandra: Nick mentioned it above--"Suffering and the Sovereignty of God." Love you!