...you may or may not have seen this story. Now, I enjoy my time in the bathroom as much as the next stay-at-home mom. I even confess to sometimes staying in there a little longer than necessary, avoiding emerging from the peace and quiet to the mundane tasks of cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, and doing laundry. I freely own up to taking extra-long showers, and sitting and...er...reading for a little too long. But--TWO YEARS!?! Doesn't it seem like this woman's boyfriend should have figured out sooner that something was desperately wrong? I mean, like after a day or two? I mean, my family won't let me stay in there more than about fifteen minutes, much less fifteen days or months. And the guy was bringing her food and water, he says. Well, what about calling in some professional help, buddy? And didn't anybody miss this woman? Why didn't anybody help her sooner? It's just too weird.
I suggested to my husband this morning that he start bringing me food and water, and maybe I could live in our half-bath for the next few weeks. He just laughed. It also shows that bathrooms, and toilets in particular, are just way too comfortable in this country. In India this would never happen--who would want to sit on a squatty potty for two years?
All right, enough of the potty humor...tomorrow I'm going to post about a more normal topic.
Ciao babe, what's up?
Do not eat breakfast (or anything) while reading the news story. Both do not go well :-p
no joke, alice. who could use a squatty potty for more than 5 minutes without problems! hehe...
so i miss you... a lot. i'd call, but i need your number to do that.
I'm thinking that I like your new banner.
Thanks, honey!
Agreeing with Eric! It looks like Puntas Salinas, where we used to go eat breakfast on the beach! Mary
Mary--you're right--I found the picture online and it was labeled Pinones Beach, Puerto Rico. Isn't that another name for that Puntas Salinas area? I'm pretty sure it's that same beach. Cool, huh?
Love you, Alice
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