I confess that I have done this before. But during everything that our family has been through, and seeing just how much people praying for us helped us, I have not done this. When I tell someone I'm going to pray for them, I write them down in my prayer journal and actually do it. I may not be able to pray for them every single day, but I do lift them up at least weekly. And not in just the "Dear God, help so-and-so, amen" way, but praying for their specific needs. It's important that we share specific prayer needs with one another, not just "please pray for me." I'm not saying we need to pour out our hearts to everybody we meet, but we each have a few trusted friends on whom we can depend. These are the people we should share specifics with, and trust to lift us up to the Father.
Its funny, you bringing that up. About 6 months ago, it struck me that I was doing that all the time. I felt really ashamed. So, I began to really focus on praying for people regularly and, as you, said, for specific needs. Shortly after that I "rediscovered" you and your family. So, "Hey Alice, I really have been prayin' for you." I agree that we need to be specific in our prayer requests. However, that is one I am still working on. My pride tends to get in the way. I'm getting better, with the Lord's help.
God bless you,
Denise: I agree, it's hard to get over our pride an really let people know how they can pray for us. It's hard for me sometimes to let people in because of the fear that they may think I'm weak spiritually. Then I realize---I AM WEAK!!! I need the Lord's strength every day to make it through. Oh, and THANK YOU for praying for us. I love you.
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