My middle child, daughter Mary, turns eleven years old today. It amazes me that it has been that many years since Eric and I first held her in our arms. Then, she weighed 6 pounds and was about 19.5 inches long. Now, she's almost 5'1" and weighs about 86 pounds! In her short life she has survived a cerebral aneurysm repair, (no, it never burst, thank God!) lived in two states and for a few months in another country, and tolerated being the middle child quite admirably. She is very different from her older sister and younger brother in personality, but she's no wallflower. Mary impresses me with her ability to make friends easily and get along with almost everyone. She is kind, loving, and friendly. She really wows me when she gets up early, nearly every day, and gets most of her school work done before her siblings even start theirs. She is extremely self-motivated. She also reads her Bible every morning and every evening, and the fruit of this is evident in her life. She is striving to be more Christ-like each day. This is starting to sound like a college recommendation letter, and that was NOT my intent. I merely wanted to write about Mary today, telling anyone who reads this how very much I love her. I have been blessed beyond belief to have her as my daughter. Here are her last three birthday pictures. After her party on Saturday I'll post a picture of her with this year's cake.
Mary's birthday in 2005:

In 2006 celebrating her birthday at the Old English Tea Room with Caroline, Miranda, and Lindsay:

In 2007 with her Eleanor the Elephant cake:
I really liked the post , but it was only about all the good things I do and none of the bad.
Mary Carpenter
Happy Birthday Mary!!
Sweet Mary--
I'm sure everyone reading the post will know that nobody is perfect, and that you probably have done some bad things. But just as God forgives us and then puts our sins as far from us as the East is from the West, I also try to forget the naughty things, since you have already sought and received forgiveness for them. Do you really want me to re-hash them?
I LOVE YOU!!! Mommy
Happy Birthday, my dear namesake! I love you very much. And Alice, thanks for writing this wonderful post about your beautiful, wonderful daughter!
Love, Aunt Mary (Mary)
Happy Birthday (a day late) Mary! I tried to post last night but blogger wouldn't let me do it. I hope you had a great day anyway and have lots of fun tomorrow!! Enjoy your cake. I can't wait to see the pictures!
Love you,
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