Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Breast Cancer in the time of COVID-19 Series Intro: What the Series Is

I realized today that I haven't written on here since just before I started chemo. Life got pretty hectic right about then, with chemo every other Thursday, and I spent my extra time from mid-February to mid-March making YouTube videos for the channel I started to keep friends and family updated and teaching my college classes while managing chemo side effects. In March I developed a sinus infection which progressed to bronchitis and a horrible cough, and my damaged immune system struggled to fight the illness. I coughed for about eight weeks.

To revive my blog and catch up to present day, I'm going to do a series of posts over the next few days, describing my intital chemo side effects, the shift I had to make to online teaching due to COVID-19, my mental/emotional battle, the support of my family and friends, and the weirdness of going through this during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to give you an in-depth look at my fight, and to keep a record for myself.  I'll put a link to each post here, so you can read the ones you find interesting. If there are other topics you'd like me to address, please comment and let me know.

Breast Cancer in the Time of COVID-19 Series:

Previous Posts about my cancer battle:


Robert M said...

My friend, you are a warrior. Praying for you always!

Alice C. said...

Thanks, Robert! You are such a support and encouragement to me.